The pace and complexity of modern life has caused us to adapt how we perform tasks or seek and consume information. You only have to look at today’s social media habits, which encourage fast digestion of mass content.
Apparently, average human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds today. That’s a 25% decline! If this shocking stat is true, our attention spans are currently less than the 9 seconds of your average goldfish. The advertising industry admits they aim to grab your attention within the first 3 seconds.
So, has our ability to concentrate worsened? Is life being designed to cater for people with a shortening attention span or just busy lives?
- Home delivery dinner boxes for rapid cooking and less time shopping.
- Interval hit training sessions (made fashionable by the wonderful Joe Wicks).
- 5 minute mindfulness app sessions to reset and calm the mind.
- Grabbing a take out latte on route.
- Taking a power nap to recharge.
Just like these behaviour styles being filters into all aspects of life, learning content should also be designed around a single, simple goal or objective.
There’s no time for fluffy filler content. We need to get to the point fast.
Bitesized learning or microlearning is a great way to meet these needs of an active, busy audience; designed to fit around juggling their ever-changing work priorities.
It’s all about effectively breaking down elearning content into digestible chunks. This makes it easier for learners to work through at a pace that suits them, boosts engagement and easily fits into their busy schedules.
But what are the benefits of bitesized learning for businesses in the long run?
1. Refresh
Learning can be designed for exactly when you need it; quick solutions to when you’re stuck at work.
2. Reflect
Delivering small segments of learning over time, gives users more time to reflect on each concept and experiment by putting ideas and processes into practice.
3. Retain
Users are more likely to learn better and understand training when there is no pressure to absorb so much.
4. Sustain
It helps to sustain learning and performance over time.
Summing up
Our instructional design experts at Eggu are here to help you redesign your more traditional, longer training sessions into more effective and engaging bites of interactive learning. Whether this might suit 1-2 min video tutorials or 5 min elearning modules, we’re all about delivering quality over quantity.