Exploring the Different Types of Online Learning in the Modern Workplace

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the integration of online learning has become a game-changer, revolutionising the way employees acquire new skills and knowledge. Online learning, often referred to as e-learning, encompasses various forms that cater to different learning styles and workplace demands. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of online learning and how they contribute to enhancing workplace efficiency.

Web-Based Courses

Web-based courses are the cornerstone of online learning in the workplace. These courses offer a wide range of subjects and topics accessible via the internet. Employees can engage in self-paced learning, allowing them to manage their time effectively and delve into topics relevant to their roles, resulting in a more productive and knowledgeable workforce.

Interactive Multimedia Modules

Interactive multimedia modules incorporate engaging content such as videos, audio clips, and visual presentations. These modules provide employees with an immersive learning experience, making complex concepts more accessible and promoting better retention of information. This interactive approach boosts efficiency by fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter in a shorter period.

Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT)

VILT combines the benefits of traditional face-to-face instruction with the flexibility of online learning. Through live webinars and virtual classrooms, employees can interact with instructors in real-time, ask questions, and engage in discussions. VILT fosters a collaborative learning environment, ensuring that employees receive immediate feedback and guidance, thereby streamlining the learning process and increasing overall efficiency.

Mobile Learning (m-learning)

Mobile learning leverages smartphones and tablets to deliver educational content to employees on-the-go. This form of learning allows employees to access training materials during their daily commute or work breaks, enabling them to make the most of their downtime. The convenience of m-learning enhances employee engagement and encourages continuous learning, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

Gamified Learning

Gamified learning integrates game-like elements into the training process, making learning more interactive and enjoyable. By incorporating rewards, challenges, and competition, gamified learning motivates employees to actively participate and complete training modules. This approach not only enhances employee engagement but also fosters healthy competition, driving employees to achieve their learning goals more efficiently.

Simulations and Virtual Reality (VR)

Simulations and virtual reality (VR) provide employees with hands-on, immersive learning experiences. Through simulated scenarios and virtual environments, employees can apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, fostering a deeper understanding of complex concepts. This experiential learning approach promotes efficient decision-making and problem-solving skills, ensuring that employees are well-equipped to handle real-world challenges more effectively.

Apart from the diverse types of online learning, various platforms are available to facilitate these learning experiences. Learning Management Systems (LMS), Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms, and bespoke e-learning platforms are a few examples. These platforms offer a user-friendly interface and streamlined content delivery, making the learning process accessible and engaging for employees.

In this digital age, the significance of Design-led and bespoke learning content cannot be overstated. By shaping the way people think, act, and feel, Design-led and bespoke learning content creates interactive, mobile-friendly courses that not only educate but also energise learners. This approach ensures that employees remain actively engaged and motivated throughout their learning journey, leading to a more efficient and effective learning experience overall.

The integration of various online learning methods and platforms within the workplace landscape not only enhances employee skills but also boosts overall operational efficiency. By providing diverse and accessible learning opportunities, businesses can ensure that their workforce remains updated, engaged, and adaptable, ultimately leading to a more agile and efficient workplace environment.

Understanding the Impact of Online Learning on Modern Workplaces

Understanding the Impact of Online Learning on Modern Workplaces

In today’s work environment, online learning has become a crucial tool for employee development, fostering a culture of continuous growth and improvement. This powerful approach utilises digital technology to offer rich and immersive learning experiences, transforming the way businesses equip their workforce with the skills and knowledge needed for success. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of online learning and understand how it’s reshaping the professional development landscape within workplaces.

Online learning, also known as e-learning or digital learning, uses technology to deliver educational content and training to employees. It goes beyond simple slide presentations, incorporating interactive modules, engaging videos, live webinars, and real-world simulations to create dynamic and impactful learning experiences for employees.

Tailored Learning Journeys
In the realm of online learning, employees are not restricted to one-size-fits-all training programs. Instead, they have the freedom to embark on tailored learning paths, selecting courses and modules that align with their specific job roles, career aspirations, and personal interests. This approach ensures that learning is not just a mandatory activity but a meaningful journey that caters to individual learning styles and preferences.

Interactive and Engaging Content
Online learning aims to engage employees through interactive content. This can include immersive videos, gamified quizzes, scenario-based simulations, and other dynamic elements that encourage active participation and foster critical thinking. By making learning enjoyable and stimulating, online learning enhances knowledge retention and promotes a deeper understanding of complex concepts and practical applications.

Real-Time Assessments and Feedback

Through online learning platforms, employees can receive immediate assessments and feedback on their performance. Online quizzes, interactive assignments, and automated grading systems enable employees to gauge their progress and identify areas for improvement promptly. This real-time feedback loop not only facilitates a more efficient learning process but also empowers employees to address any knowledge gaps or misconceptions proactively.

Adaptability to Changing Industry Needs
The online learning landscape offers a diverse array of courses and modules that keep employees up to date with the latest industry trends and developments. From technological advancements to evolving best practices, online learning equips employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to the rapidly changing demands of their respective industries. This agility ensures that employees remain competitive and capable of meeting evolving job requirements effectively.

Collaborative Learning Environments
Online learning platforms foster collaborative environments where employees can engage with peers, share insights, and work on projects together. Through virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and group assignments, employees can develop essential communication and teamwork skills, building a sense of community and camaraderie within the organisation. Collaborative learning not only enriches the learning experience but also cultivates a culture of knowledge-sharing and mutual support.

Empowerment through Self-Paced Learning
Online learning provides employees with the autonomy to manage their learning schedules and progress at their own pace. Self-paced courses allow employees to balance their learning commitments with their daily responsibilities, promoting a healthy work-life-learning equilibrium. This flexibility ensures that employees can fully absorb and comprehend course material, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and its practical applications.

Customised Learning Resources
Online learning enables organisations to create bespoke learning resources tailored to their specific industry requirements and employee skill sets. By developing comprehensive and industry-specific courses, businesses can ensure that their employees receive training that directly addresses the unique challenges and opportunities within their respective sectors. This customised approach not only enhances employee performance but also contributes to the overall strategic objectives of the organisation, fostering a culture of innovation and growth.

By embracing the multifaceted nature of online learning, organisations can unlock a wealth of opportunities for employee development and organisational advancement. Through engaging and tailored learning experiences, companies can foster a culture of continuous learning, equipping their workforce with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the modern workplace.

Improving the Workplace through Online Learning

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the integration of online learning has brought about a transformative shift.

By bolstering employees’ skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning, online learning has become a cornerstone for businesses worldwide. While the benefits of online learning are significant, it’s essential to acknowledge its limitations and potential drawbacks.

Let’s delve into both the strengths and challenges of online learning in the workplace, understanding how it continues to redefine the landscape of professional development.

Benefits of Online Learning in the Workplace

Flexibility for Busy Professionals
Online learning allows employees to learn without interrupting their work schedules. Employees can access courses and resources at their convenience, making learning seamlessly part of their professional journey.

Tailored Learning Experiences
Online learning customises courses to match employees’ specific job roles, career aspirations, and skill development needs. This targeted approach supports professional growth and improves job performance.

Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency
Online learning reduces costs associated with traditional training. It is more affordable, scalable, and saves time and effort in organising and conducting training programs, allowing companies to focus on their core operations.

Continuous Skill Development and Adaptability
Online learning offers a variety of courses covering industry-specific topics, new technologies, and emerging trends, helping employees adapt to changing job requirements and industry demands.

Drawbacks of Online Learning in the Workplace

Limited Face-to-Face Interaction
Online learning lacks personal touch, potentially leading to employees feeling detached. However, organisations can use design-led and bespoke learning content to create engaging virtual environments that foster interaction and collaboration among learners.

Technological Challenges and Accessibility Issues
Stable internet and suitable devices are essential for successful online learning. However, organisations can tailor learning content to accommodate various technological capabilities and accessibility needs.

Self-Discipline and Motivation
Online learning environments can challenge maintaining self-discipline and motivation. Interactive design-led and bespoke learning content can incorporate gamified elements and interactive assessments to enhance engagement and motivation.

Quality and Credibility Concerns
Ensuring the quality and credibility of online learning materials is crucial for effective employee development. Design-led and bespoke learning content focuses on creating tailored, high-quality courses, ensuring accurate and valuable insights for employees.

By utilising interactive, design-led, and bespoke learning content, businesses can overcome challenges associated with online learning in the workplace. Engaging learning experiences can help employees acquire crucial skills and knowledge in a dynamic and supportive virtual learning environment.

Unlocking the Benefits of E-Learning

Now that we’ve navigated the world of e-learning and explored its different flavours, let’s shed some light on the fantastic benefits it brings to the table. This digital education revolution isn’t just a trend; it’s a game-changer for learners, educators, and organisations. So, let’s dive in and see how it’s transforming the way we learn.

Flexible and Accessible Learning

E-learning’s superpower is its flexibility and accessibility. Imagine being able to learn whenever and wherever you want. It’s like having your own personal classroom that fits in your pocket. Whether you’re juggling a busy schedule or living miles away from a traditional school, e-learning has your back. It’s education on your terms.

Learning Tailored Just for You

E-learning isn’t one-size-fits-all; it’s more like a tailor-made suit. Thanks to smart technology and AI, it adapts to your unique learning style. Imagine having a personal coach who knows exactly how to help you succeed. E-learning’s personalised approach keeps you engaged, motivated, and understanding things better than ever.

A World of Learning Resources

Think of e-learning as your passport to a vast library of resources. Instead of just books, you get interactive simulations, virtual field trips, and multimedia materials. It’s like stepping into a museum where you can touch, feel, and experience what you’re learning. These resources make learning come alive.

Connect Globally, Learn Locally

E-learning breaks down borders. It’s like having a magic portal that connects you with learners from around the world. Virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and collaboration tools let you work with others no matter where they are. You’ll not only improve your communication skills but also get a glimpse into different cultures and ways of thinking.

Learning Never Stops

In the world of e-learning, learning isn’t just for school. It’s a lifelong journey. Picture yourself acquiring new skills, staying updated in your field, or exploring exciting new interests. E-learning makes it all possible. Professionals can level up without quitting their jobs – it’s like having a secret superpower that makes you stand out in the job market.

Smarter Spending

E-learning isn’t just good for your brain; it’s also kind to your wallet. Traditional courses often come with hefty fees for commuting, books, and accommodations. E-learning courses are usually more budget-friendly, letting you invest in your education without breaking the bank. It’s like getting a high-quality education without the high price tag.

Feedback Right on Time

Imagine taking a test and getting your score immediately. That’s what e-learning offers – real-time feedback. Online quizzes, interactive assignments, and automatic grading systems let you know how you’re doing instantly. It’s like having a coach cheering you on. For teachers, it’s like having a superpower that shows how everyone’s doing so they can provide the right support.

Good for the Planet

E-learning is like a superhero for the environment. It reduces the need for paper and cuts down on the carbon footprint linked to traditional classrooms. Plus, it slashes the need for travel, which means fewer emissions. It’s like doing your part to save the planet while you learn.

In a nutshell, e-learning isn’t just changing the game; it’s rewriting the rulebook. From flexible learning to personalised education, access to a world of resources, and global connections, e-learning is empowering learners worldwide. It’s not just cost-effective; it’s also kind to the environment. So, as we continue to embrace e-learning, remember – it’s all about making education accessible, dynamic, and eco-friendly. Let’s ride this digital wave to a smarter, brighter future!

Discovering the Types of E-Learning

Now that we’ve unveiled the magic of e-learning and how it’s transforming education, let’s take a closer look at the different types of e-learning that have popped up in our digital world. Each type has its own special qualities and uses, making e-learning incredibly versatile and adaptable to all sorts of learning needs.

Online Courses

Imagine having all your classes and study materials right on your computer or phone. That’s what online courses are all about. You can learn at your own pace, access everything you need on the internet, and chat with teachers and classmates online. They cover just about every subject you can think of and are super flexible, so you can learn whenever it suits you.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

MOOCs are like superstar online courses. They’re offered by famous universities and are open to anyone, anywhere in the world. You get top-quality lessons in the form of videos, quizzes, and chat forums. No need to worry about admission exams or where you live; MOOCs are like a passport to global education.

Blended Learning

Blended learning is like mixing your favourite flavours of ice cream. It combines traditional classroom learning with digital tools. You still have your teacher and classmates, but you also get to use computers and the internet for parts of your learning. It’s the best of both worlds.

Virtual Classrooms

Virtual classrooms are like magic online spaces where you can meet your teacher and classmates, just like in a real classroom. Video calls help you chat, ask questions, and even work together on projects. It’s perfect when you can’t be in the same room with your classmates.

Mobile Learning (m-learning)

Think of m-learning as learning on the move. You can use your smartphone or tablet to read, watch videos, take quizzes, and more. It’s like carrying a mini-school in your pocket, ready whenever you have a moment.


Gamification makes learning feel like playing a game. You earn points, collect badges, and compete with others. It’s a bit like turning your homework into a fun challenge. This makes learning exciting and enjoyable.

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is like having a personal tutor who knows exactly how you learn best. It uses smart computer programs to see how you’re doing and change your lessons to fit you. If you’re great at something, it moves you forward; if you’re struggling, it helps you catch up. It’s like having your own custom-made learning path.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

VR and AR are like stepping into a different world. VR creates amazing made-up places, and AR adds cool digital things to the real world. These are used to teach all kinds of subjects in a way that’s so much fun you won’t even realise you’re learning.

As technology keeps growing, more and more e-learning types will pop up. They all aim to make learning exciting, easy, and effective. So, whether you’re a student looking for flexibility, a pro wanting to learn new skills, or a company that needs top-notch training, e-learning has something just right for you. In this digital age, exploring these different e-learning flavours will open up new possibilities for learning and education.

What is E-Learning: Education’s Digital Revolution

In our fast-paced world, education isn’t what it used to be. One of the biggest game-changers in the field is e-learning, short for electronic learning. But what’s the buzz about? What exactly is e-learning and why is it turning heads in the world of education?

Breaking Down E-Learning

E-learning is basically a way of learning that uses fancy tech stuff to teach you. It covers everything from online courses and webinars to cool educational apps and videos. What makes it special is that it uses computers, the internet, and really smart teaching tricks to help you learn in a way that’s all about you.

With e-learning, there are no more boring classrooms or set schedules. Instead, it’s like having a super-smart teacher on the internet who can teach you anything, anytime, no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have the internet.

E-Learning Superpowers

E-learning is super flexible. You’re not stuck in a classroom at a certain time. You can learn whenever and wherever you want. That means busy adults, parents, and people with all kinds of schedules can learn too.

E-learning makes learning all about you. Computers can see how you learn best and change the way they teach you. So, it’s like having a teacher who knows you really well.

It doesn’t matter if you live far away or can’t get to a real classroom. E-learning is for everyone. So, if you want to learn something cool, you can, no matter where you are.

Awesome Resources
E-learning gives you tons of stuff to learn with. There are online libraries, fun simulations, videos, and even virtual field trips. It’s like having a magical learning treasure chest.

Working Together
Even though you’re not in a real classroom, you can still work with classmates from all over the world. You can chat, share ideas, and work on projects together.

Learning Forever
E-learning helps you learn your whole life. You can keep learning new things and stay smart. So, even when you’re a grown-up, you can still learn cool stuff.

Saving Money
E-learning can be cheaper than regular classes. It doesn’t cost as much, and you don’t have to spend money on things like travelling or books.

Quick Feedback
E-learning tells you how you’re doing right away. If you take a test online, you’ll know your score as soon as you finish. And if you’re not doing great, it can help you get better.

Being Eco-Friendly
E-learning is also good for the planet. It uses less paper, which saves trees, and it means you don’t have to drive or take a bus to class, which is better for the environment.

E-Learning Comes in Many Flavours

E-learning isn’t just one thing; it’s like a big buffet of learning options. Here are some of the different flavours:

Online Courses
These are like classes you take on the internet. You can learn about almost anything, and you can do it at your own speed.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
These are special online courses from really famous schools. They’re open to anyone in the whole wide world.

Blended Learning
It’s like mixing regular school with online school. You get the best of both worlds.

Virtual Classrooms
These are online classrooms where you can see and talk to your teacher and classmates, just like in a real class.

Mobile Learning (m-learning)
You use your phone or tablet to learn. It’s perfect for when you’re on the go.

Learning turns into a game. You can earn points and rewards as you learn.

Adaptive Learning
It’s like having a teacher who changes the way they teach just for you.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
It’s like stepping into a video game to learn. It’s super cool and fun.

What’s Next?

E-learning is always getting better. There are lots of new things coming, like smart robots to help you learn, secure certificates that you can’t fake, and even virtual reality classrooms.

So, e-learning isn’t just changing education; it’s making it better, more fun, and for everyone. Whether you’re a kid who wants to learn about space or a grown-up who wants to get better at your job, e-learning is like a magical doorway to all the knowledge in the world. And with all the different e-learning options, you’ll always find something that’s just right for you. In the world of e-learning, the future of learning is super bright and open to everyone!

World of Learning 2023: You’re Invited!

We’re exhibiting at the World of Learning on 10th & 11th October – we’d love to see you there.

We’ll be back at the World of Learning again this October, and this year we’ll be showcasing our brilliant new brand in person for the first time on Stand D60. Why not come and demo some of our latest award-winning developments in Elearning, video and animation?

Claim your free ticket, and come along to refresh your industry knowledge, meet new people in the industry and to pick up new digital learning hints, tips and skills. 

You can also book a free Digital Learning Review with our MD, Kat, where she’ll take a look at where you’re at now, and give personalised recommendations on how to get the best from your digital learning budget. Bring any challenges or questions with you, and benefit from Kat’s advice and experience.

About World of Learning

The World of Learning Exhibition and Conference is a one-stop-shop for L&D professionals looking for a complete blend of learning solutions and inspiration. 

The seminar programme is one of the most comprehensive and varied we’ve found, with free sessions covering everything from AI to learning culture. 

We’ve also found it to be the most welcoming and collaborative crowd too. It’s a great event! 

Last year, Kat our MD led a seminar with our client Brook, the sexual health and wellbeing charity. 

They discussed the free platform and suite of interactive elearning courses we created together, designed to support professionals teaching young people about sex and relationships. 

Brook’s investment in digital learning has not only successfully educated their users, but has equally had a positive impact in promoting the charity, building brand awareness and expanding their audience reach too. Helping drive change through elearning is the reason we get out of bed in the morning. 

Why not watch the seminar here!

Benefits of Digital Learning

Let’s talk about the good stuff that comes with online learning. This modern way of learning, with all its technology and cool methods, brings a bunch of benefits to students, teachers, and organisations. So, here’s a rundown of the perks:

Learning Your Way

Online learning is super flexible. You can learn when and where you want. Got a busy schedule? No problem. Different learning styles? It’s got you covered. And those geographical limits? Poof, they’re gone. You can learn from your cozy couch or your favourite cafe.

Learning Made for You

Online learning treats you like the unique person you are. It’s like a tailor-made education. Computers track how you learn and serve up lessons that match you perfectly. This personalised approach makes learning interesting, and you’ll get it faster.

Super Cool Resources

The internet is like a treasure chest of learning stuff. From videos and interactive tools to virtual trips and more, it’s way cooler than old-school textbooks. These resources make learning fun and take you deep into the subjects.

Teaming Up Globally

With online learning, you’re part of a big worldwide team. Virtual classrooms, chats, and tools let you connect with people from all over. You can chat, share ideas, and work together on projects, even if you’re miles apart.

Learning for Life

Online learning isn’t just for school. You can keep learning your whole life. Cool courses, webinars, and learning platforms are all at your fingertips. So, whether you’re a pro or just curious, you can keep adding skills and knowledge.

Savings in Your Pocket

Online learning can save you money. Online courses are often cheaper than in-person classes. Plus, you’ll skip costs like commuting, textbooks, and accommodation. Businesses also save by training employees online, cutting down on travel and paper costs.

Instant Feedback

Online learning gives you quick feedback. Online quizzes and assignments let you know how you’re doing right away. Teachers can track your progress and help you where you need it. It’s like having a learning buddy always by your side.

Saving the Planet

Going digital is good for the Earth. You use less paper and cut down on pollution from traveling to classes. It’s like learning and helping the environment at the same time.

So, there you have it – the upsides of learning online. From choosing your learning time to getting personalised lessons and saving the planet, online learning makes education work for you. It’s more than just learning; it’s learning with a bunch of cool bonuses.

Types of Digital Learning

Learning with technology comes in many flavours, each with its own special benefits. Let’s explore these different ways and see how they’re changing education.

Online Courses

These are like classes on the internet. You can learn everything from math to music, all from your computer. You watch videos, do activities, and chat with teachers and other students online. It’s super flexible because you can learn whenever and wherever you want.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Fancy name, but it’s simple. These are top-notch courses from big universities that anyone can join. You get video lessons, quizzes, and chances to chat with others. It’s like taking a university class, but without the hassle of admission.

Blended Learning

Here, learning gets mixed up! It’s a combo of regular classroom learning and online stuff. You learn in person sometimes, but also use computers and the internet for extra lessons and activities. It’s like the best of both worlds.

Virtual Classrooms: Imagine a classroom in your computer! With video calls, you can join class discussions, ask questions, and do group projects online. It’s like being in a real classroom, but without leaving your house.

Mobile Learning (m-learning)

Learning on the go. You use your phone or tablet to watch videos, do quizzes, and use special apps. This is perfect for quick learning moments during your busy day.


Learning becomes a game. You earn points, badges, and rewards as you learn. It’s like turning education into a fun competition where you’re the winner!

Adaptive Learning

It’s like a smart tutor. Computers learn how you learn, and then give you lessons that fit you perfectly. So, you learn faster and better.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

These are techy and cool. VR makes you feel like you’re in a different place, and AR puts digital stuff into the real world. These are like magic glasses that take learning to a whole new level.

As technology keeps growing, we’ll probably get even more ways to learn online. What’s important is that these ways make learning exciting, easier, and just plain better. Whether it’s taking online courses, chatting in virtual classrooms, or playing with cool technology, online learning makes education fit into your life, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. So, let’s dive into these ways and see how they’re shaping the future of education.

What is Digital Learning

Digital learning, also known as online learning or e-learning, is all about using computers and the internet to help us learn. It covers a lot of things, like online classes, virtual classrooms, educational apps, videos, and tools for working together. Digital learning uses technology to make education different from the old-fashioned way. It’s like opening up a world of learning with just a click.

At its heart, digital learning changes how we learn by using the internet and digital tools. It breaks away from regular classrooms and lets us learn from anywhere, anytime. Whether it’s students studying from their homes or professionals joining workshops during breaks, digital learning gives us a lot of freedom.

One of the coolest things about digital learning is that it fits how each person likes to learn. It uses videos, interactive games, podcasts, and other stuff that matches our own style. This special touch makes learning more exciting, helps us understand better, and lets us remember what we learn. Plus, we can go at our own speed, revisiting stuff when we need to, so we really get it.

Digital learning also opens up a huge world of resources and chances to learn throughout our lives. With tons of online courses, learning platforms, and communities, we can keep learning new things forever. Whether we want to learn a language, dive deep into a subject, or get better at work, digital learning is like a magic door to all kinds of knowledge.

Thanks to technology, digital learning can also be super smart. There are clever systems that use data and AI to track how we’re doing, find what we’re good at, and suggest what we should learn next. It’s like having a personal learning assistant that helps us learn better and faster.

Digital learning has even changed how businesses train their employees. They can use online platforms to teach new skills, run courses, and keep everyone up-to-date. This means workers can become even better at their jobs without leaving their workplaces.

But, like with anything new, digital learning has some things to figure out. Not everyone has easy access to technology and the internet, which can make learning online tough. Also, since we’re not in real classrooms, we might miss out on making friends and connecting with teachers like we used to.

Still, the train of digital learning is moving full steam ahead. As technology gets better and more people want flexible education, digital learning is turning into more than just a trend – it’s reshaping education itself. This article dives into the heart of digital learning, unwraps its benefits, looks at how it’s used, and unveils the fresh ideas that are shaping education’s future. It’s time to explore how technology and learning are teaming up to offer exciting ways to learn, for anyone and everyone.